A Special Invitation

December 4, 2020
RFKSpain Una Invitación Especial
Dear friends,
Our colleagues at Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italia have invited us to a very special online ceremony on the 10th of December (Human Rights Day). RFK Italia will give awards and special recognition to Caritas Ambrosiana, The Italian Red Cross, and the Fundación Ospedale Bambino Gesù for their tremendous work during the pandemic. The Scala di Milano Orchestra (Cameristi della Scala) will play an intimate concert with Daniela Pini (mezzosoprano) and Francesco Manara (1st violin and soloist). They will perform some of the most important masterpieces from the 18th century onward, and the show starts at 7:00 PM local time. There is no cost associated with attendance, and the event can be accessed directly via our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/RFKSpain).
We do hope that you will accompany us, and please consider making a contribution of any amount to help our efforts toward making our world more just and more peaceful (https://www.paypal.com/donate/…)
Un abrazo a todos