“Speak Truth to Power” Human Rights Annual Graduation at Brains International School

July 7, 2020
RFKSpain Graduación School Máster Derechos Humanos “Speak Truth To Power” Colegios Brains

Brains International School is one of our very first partners in terms of implementing our Speak Truth to Power human rights education program in Spain. More than 550 of their students have participated thus far.

Each year we hold an STTP graduation ceremony in order to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of students, teaches, and of course the school’s administrative team. These are some of the most ideal partners an organization such as our own could ever hope for, as they have truly made human rights education a deep part of their own school culture these past five years. We are extremely proud and grateful to work so closely with the Brains community.

This year’s ceremony took place on the 18th of June (2020), and was done online. Writer, lawyer, and activist Kerry Kennedy, global president of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, as well as Maria Diaz de la Cebosa, president of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Spain, and president of the American college CIS University both participated in the event and shared some words with participating students and attendees. Additionally, Maria Hita, president of the CINNED educational foundation and Doctor Francisco Ubierna, academic director at RFK Spain and academic dean at CIS University participated and spoke. More than 150 families were present online during the ceremony.

Human rights issues are ever-present throughout history, and especially today. Kerry Kennedy’s words were inspiring and important on their own, but especially so in our current context.

Students played a fundamental and indispensable role in the success of this program these past several years, as well as in this particular graduation ceremony as they served as hosts. Specifically Claudia Ayuso, winner of the best public speaker in the Pre-University Debate League this year did a fantastic job of opening and closing the ceremony.

In the words of our president of RFK Spain Maria Diaz de la Cebosa during the ceremony:

“Each one of us must build a cleaner and more dignified world within which to live from the starting points of our own personal environments and we must set ourselves up to truly make a difference … I know that each one of you will make that difference because you will now go on to be human rights ambassadors and advocate for all of our rights”.