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RFK Spain Statement on the Situation in Ukraine

March 4, 2022
RFKSpain Statement on the Situation in Ukraine

RFK HUMAN RIGHTS SPAIN strongly condemns the military invasion of Ukraine ordered by Vladimir Putin and calls for the immediate cessation of hostilities, which are a flagrant violation of international legal order and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

RFK HU MAN RIGHTS SPAI N demands that all human rights be upheld, and we welcome both the opening of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of the Ukrainian civilian population, as well as for a war crimes/crimes against humanity inquiry to be opened by the prosecutor of the lnternational Criminal Court in The Hague regarding President Vladimir Putin's role.

This serious challenge poses a critica! threat against peace and the rule of law in democracies the world over. RFK HUMAN RIGHTS SPAIN calls on the international community to intervene urgently through diplomatic channels to promote a permanent ceasefire.

RFK HUMAN RIGHTS SPAIN emphasizes that the absence of an effective response designed to end attacks on freedoms, human rights, in addition to those who might defend such rights and freedoms only works to fuel a culture of violence, war, and conflict.

RFK HUMAN RIGHTS SPAIN expresses its complete solidarity with the Ukrainian people and supports initiatives implemented by international organizations in favor of peace and in defense of the rights of the people affected by these universally unjustifiable aggressions.

RFK HUMAN RIGHTS SPAIN expresses its full support far the initiative passed by the European Parliament on March 1, 2022, urging Ukraine's express accession to the European Unían.