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Pablo Heras-Casado conducts the orchestra of the Barenboim-Said Foundation.

RFKSpain Pablo Heras Casado conducts the orchestra of the Barenboim Said Foundation.

The Seville concert was a notable success, thanks to the dedication of the musicians and the
undeniable passion contributed by Maestro Heras Casado, and the violinist Amaury
Coeytaux, substitute for Miguel Colom.
The concert tour that was going to continue in Córdoba and Granada had to be canceled
for reasons derived from COVID 19.
The participation of the Robert F. Kennedy Spain Foundation in this project is a
shows more of its commitment to building a more just world, where
human rights can be present in the training programs of all
the young people of the world.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has left us

RFKSpain Archbishop Desmond Tutu has left us

Today a great fighter for Human Rights has left us, the archbishop
Desmond Tutu. His work against the intolerance and violence of Apartheid in
South Africa won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.
Its enormous impact over many decades in South Africa is undeniable, but the
the importance of what he taught us has reached all parts of the world.
We will continue fighting to perpetuate his great legacy, and thus help future
generations to work for a more just and peaceful world, in which everyone has the
mismos derechos sin ningún tipo de discriminación.

Message from Kerry Kennedy

RFKSpain Message from Kerry Kennedy

A quienes condenan la violencia en nuestro país hoy: Estamos con vosotros. Condenamos el tráfico, la violación, la tortura y la esclavitud de los africanos que llegaron a tierras estadounidenses hace 401 años, ese racismo anti-negro arraigado que todavía se manifiesta hoy en las estructuras de nuestra sociedad. Condenamos la criminalización masiva que separa a […]