Archbishop Desmond Tutu has left us

RFKSpain Nos deja el Arzobispo Desmond Tutu

Today a great fighter for Human Rights has left us, the archbishop
Desmond Tutu. His work against the intolerance and violence of Apartheid in
South Africa won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.
Its enormous impact over many decades in South Africa is undeniable, but the
the importance of what he taught us has reached all parts of the world.
We will continue fighting to perpetuate his great legacy, and thus help future
generations to work for a more just and peaceful world, in which everyone has the
mismos derechos sin ningún tipo de discriminación.

The Barenboim-Said Foundation in Collaboration with RFK Human Rights Spain

RFKSpain La Fundación Barenboim Said con la Colaboración de RFK Human Rights Spain

En el Teatro de la Maestranza de Sevilla se presentó ayer la gira de tres conciertos que el Maestro Pablo Heras Casado, con la Fundación Barenboim Said y la colaboración de la Fundación Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Spain, ofrecerá en diciembre por Andalucia. La gira contará también con Miguel Colom, Concertino de la Orquesta […]